A recent post on The Inquirer
had me facepalming pretty hard. According to Verizon cyber criminals
are focusing on attacking small and medium sized businesses using
automated scripts that exploit vulnerabilities in the same exact way
every time. No shit, sherlock…
Using automated “scan & pwn” styled scripts is nothing new;
people have been using them since the dawn of friggen time. It started
with just supplying google dorks with your vulnerabilities and led to
completely automated tools such as Mass Defacers and the like. Currently
we have tools such as Metasploit which interface with nmap scans to
help automate the attacking of network services and even some of the
more popular web applications. Why then is Verizon acting like this is
something new when these are the same exact attacks we have been seeing
for years? Is Verizon behind the times? The recent infographic released
by Verizon (link here:
) was supposed to give insight into the attacks Verizon was recently
seeing. After reading this post about Verizon just catching up with the
“scan & pwn” styled attacks makes me wonder just how skewed this
infographic really is and if it is even a reputable source.
Cyber Criminals Are Mass Producing Attack Techniques, Says Verizon >>>>> Download Now
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